Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Working Out: The Struggle is Real

So I have been pretty low key and boring lately. It may have something to do with the fact that my Stinker won't let me sleep more than 3 hours at a time. Did I mention she's almost 7 months old?! At this rate I figured I would get my 8 hours back. I haven't. Other than that I haven't been very exciting. I've been doing horrible at keeping my Lenten promises, I've been to the gym once and have eaten meat like 6 or 7 times. It sucks. I suck. Oh well. I'm also human. On that note, today's post: working out. 

Yesterday I decided to get my butt in the gym. I literally only had time to run a not so fast mile, but progress is progress. I'm planning on doing a spring tri in September so I need to get on my swim- run- bike game. Hopefully the weather will permanently turn into Spring in the Bluegrass and I can get outside to train. To be honest, working out isn't easy for me. To say I hate it would be an understatement. My sister loves fitness, I strive to be her, but come up very short. It could be that the exhaustion has taken over my body, it could be that I have 1 hour for lunch and I have to choose to eat or workout and usually eating (and socializing) takes priority, it could be that if I wait until the end of the day, the guilt builds up that I'm not home snuggling Boo Bear for the few hours I get with her before bed. It could be all those things combined. At the end of the day, I need to do this for myself. I have noticed my self esteem is horrible. I look at myself and hate what I see. I need to make the change and I am. Today. I feel like if I write it on the blog, I'll have all my non- existent readers to hold me accountable. 

Anyways, I wanted to get some writing in today. I wanted to vent my struggle because for some, the struggle is VERY real when it comes to working out. I hope that I can become a better, healthier version of myself. I still have this damn baby weight plaguing my thighs and stomach. It's almost bathing suit season and even though I'll be working a one piece suit thanks melasma line I need to be able to have a body that will still turn my hubs head. :) Happy Tuesday everyone. I promise #tbt and my other Thursday post will be a little better. I'm lagging here. 

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