Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Baby Girl

I originally started this blog to talk about my life, and I think I do a good job at that. Sometimes I'll have ridiculously funny stories and other times not so much. Although I do have a weekend recap to do, I just wanted to dedicate this blog to one little gal I know won't read it, my Harper Maryann. Last night as I was snuggling my Boo Bear (she won't sleep in her crib, I complain but I secretly love having her in our room) I just started thinking how truly blessed I am. This little thing loves me so unconditionally that sometimes the magnitude takes my breath away. There are millions of people in this world who won't ever be able to have children, millions more who abuse that privilege (and it is a privilege IMO) and to realize I'm one of the few that get to experience mommyhood is such a HUGE deal! So, I dedicate my blog to my sweet girl. Miss Harper Maryann who is 29 weeks old today. She's starting solids, making messes, rolling all over kingdom come, won't sit still to save my life and smiles all the time. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love her to the moon and back! 

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