Thursday, February 13, 2014

F U February.

So let's talk about this month. Yes we are 13 days in and it's already a month I'd like to erase off the face of the earth. Don't get me wrong, great things happen daily in my life with Harper and Hubs but to be honest, and that's what this blog is for, sometimes the bad is just shit  poop... I have a horrible mouth. So here is the list I sent my closest friends a couple days ago:

We're only 12 days into this shitty month and I have a list accumulating. I'm going to start it today and finish it on the 28th. Buckle up, ladies. 

1. MF'in scholarship days... I hate these. I hate coming in early after roughly 4 hours of sleep. One day I will just flip out.  
2. $400 electric bill... my house is 1200 square feet and is roughly 67 degrees. WTF am I paying to heat?!
3.I'm sick of pumping. I honestly think dairy cows get milked less than I do. #moo
4. Hubs got sick. 
5. I haven't had more than 3 consecutive hours of sleep in 3 weeks. I want to punch people on the reg now. Great.
6. Morning people. If you speak to me before I speak to you and it's before 9 am...I'm going to flip out.
7. Harper has RSV. I can't really make any snarky comments about this. I even bought some Swedish contraption that makes me suck the snot right out of her nose. It works like a charm but it's disgusting. 
8. It's still frigid. It was 60 degrees in Sochi today. It's 17 in Lexington. 
9. Bruce Springsteen is coming to Cincinnati in April. Hubby says we can't "waste" money to go see him. HOW IS IT WASTING MONEY TO SEE BRUCE!?!!?! 
10. I was supposed to go to New York next Thursday to see my dad and step family. Probably won't happen with a sick baby. 
11. Semen Buttface (this is an inside joke, but I'm sure everyone can find the humor in this.)
12. Update on sleep: I got 3 full hours last night. Combined. I love my daughter but I think she may be torturing me for secrets. I have none. 
I only have a list of 11 so far. I need wine. Let's start a petition for the caf to serve wine. Happy Hump Day. 

So there you have it folks, my life in a nutshell this month. I love my good days but I swear if I could get an IV drip of some straight vodka  Riesling right about now, I wouldn't complain. I hope your month is shaping up a lot better! 

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