Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Turing 28... Wasn't So Great...

So, I'm back, finally! All the travels have been put on hold for a few weeks, so I finally have time to get back to my bloggy. Yesterday was my big birthday... another year closer to 30- yikes. I decided to give you all a rundown of my birthday weekend. Let this be a great example of why making plans are usually a waste. 

This past Friday (6/6) I planned a small birthday dinner, I had sweet friends come in from out of Lexington, my sister traveled up from Knoxville, and hubs and I got my mom to watch Baby Girl overnight. I was SO EXCITED. Harper had been battling an ear infection... the same one from 3 weeks prior... and had a small fever earlier that day. The fever broke, the ear infection seemed in control, and mama needed a night out. I got all dressed up HUGE DEAL and we headed out the door. 

We made it to dinner, had a great time with laughs and long stories, then I got THE phone call. My mom called and told us we needed to come get Harper, she was throwing up and running a fever. Cue the dramatic flip out by yours truly. Our amazing friends picked up the dinner tab so we could rush out. We got to my mom's and decided that it was best to take her to the ER and have her get looked at by another doctor. This was all around 10pm. When we got to the hospital Harper's fever was 104.8... to say that was scary is an understatement. We were seen by an amazing doctor who said she had been misdiagnosed with her latest ear infections and actually had an upper respiratory infection. (They look the same in babies) 

AT 3AM WE FINALLY LEFT THE HOSPITAL. So in all fairness, Harper did want to make sure I got a full night out for my birthday celebration. The rest of the weekend was spent nursing Stinker back to health. Today is her last day on the antibiotic and she is just a spoiled as ever. Although my birthday was ruined, having a healthy baby was the best gift I could have gotten. 
The only picture from my birthday extravaganza.
Snuggled up with Boo on a hospital bed. 

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